# Changelog All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) ## [1.6.5] - 2023-04-26 ### Fixed - Fixed issue where modifying curves on an animation clip did not trigger an evaluation of the graph when the Timeline Window is hidden. (TB-117) - Fixed an issue where the Timeline Window's UI would not update until the user clicked in the window if the TimelineAsset's file contents were changed on disk, such as during a version control operation (TB-46) ## [1.6.4] - 2022-01-21 ### Fixed - [Requires Unity 2021.2] Fixed an issue where the last frame of a Timeline was not guaranteed to be executed when the Playable Director had Wrap Mode `None`. - Fixed an issue where the Timeline Window would not work correctly with read-only source controlled files. - Fixed an issue where unused `TrackAsset`s would be saved in the `TimelineAsset` file after removing tracks. - Fixed an issue where the a MissingReferenceException would be thrown when an IAnimationWindowPreview component previewed by Timeline would be destroyed. (1367640) - Fixed an issue where grouped markers at time zero would sometimes disappear after clicking on them (https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/timeline-markers-disappear-when-double-clicking-on-stacked-markers-at-0-frames) - Fixed an issue where selecting a prefab in the project view could trigger an exception when parenting the prefab to a prefab sub-object. (1386125) - Fixed an issue where duplicated or pasted tracks that were part of group tracks would lose their associated bindings (https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/duplicated-track-groups-lose-their-nester-tracks-game-object-assignments) - Fixed an issue where pasting a track after changing scenes would lose PlayableAsset references in clips (https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/animation-tracks-copy-loses-its-properties-when-its-pasted-from-another-scene) - Fixed an issue where the "Match Content" action would not apply on all selected clips. - Fixed an issue where clicking on a clip during Play Mode would evaluate the Timeline unnecessarily. (https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/timeline-rebuilds-playable-graph-when-selecting-a-timeline-clip-during-play-mode) - Fixed an issue where control clips would behave inconsistently if the clip was set to hold, but the PlayableDirector was set to not extrapolate. (https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1375771) ## [1.6.3] - 2021-10-20 ### Fixed - Fixed an issue where the Timeline Window would not work correctly with read-only source controlled files. - Fixed an issue where the a MissingReferenceException would be thrown when an IAnimationWindowPreview component previewed by Timeline would be destroyed. (https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/missingreferenceexception-is-thrown-when-using-rigbuilder-inside-a-prefab) - Fixed an issue where the "Match Content" action would not apply on all selected clips. (1368028) ## [1.6.2] - 2021-08-05 ### Fixed - Fixed an issue where copy-pasting Timeline Clips that contain Generic Lists of ExposedReferences would cause a NullReferenceException (1332377) ## [1.6.1] - 2021-06-22 ### Added - `ClipDrawOptions.hideScaleIndicator` can now be used to disable the clip scale indicator. - Added an asterisk to the Timeline Window when the currently edited Timeline Asset is dirty (has unsaved changes). (1024230) - Added the `IInspectorChangeHandler` interface to change what happens when a UI component in the inspector is modified. (1283486) - (_Unity 2020.2+ only_) The Timeline window title displays an asterisk when there are unsaved changes. - Double click now toggles the collapsed state of group tracks. - A keyboard shortcut can now be mapped to expand or collapse group tracks. - Added `displayClipName` property to ClipDrawOption. Use `displayClipName` to display (true) or hide (false) the clip name. - New API added to `TimelineEditorWindow`: `TimelineNavigator`. - Enables navigation between timelines and nested timelines through code for automation purposes. - Gives access to Timeline window breadcrumbs. - _(Unity 2021.2+ only)_ Added `Framelocked preview` option in Timeline preferences. - Added framerate display with standard framerates. - `TimelineAsset` framerate can be set with a `StandardFramerate` value. (`TimelineAsset.SetStandardFramerate`) ### Changed - Removed non-working PlayRange options (Loop/Hold) as both were actually mapping to Loop behaviour and always have been. - Timeline settings menu has been modified to use standard framerates in framerate submenu. - `TimelineAsset.fps` is obsolete and is replaced by `TimelineAsset.frameRate`. - `TimelineProjectSettings.assetDefaultFramerate` is obsolete and is replaced by `TimelineProjectSettings.defaultFramerate`. ### Fixed - Removed GC allocations in `PlayableDirector.duration` when a timeline asset is assigned. ([1298818](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1298818)) - Removed warnings with AnimationWindowState snap mode. (1306205) - Fixed issue where the "Navigate Right" (default key: `Right Arrow` ▶) would not behave consistently. The correct order of operations should now always be, in order: expand group, select first track of group, then select first item of the track. - Fixed frame display not rounding up correctly. (1333009) - Fixed an issue where `TimelinePlayable` duration would not be initialized if the playable is not created from the PlayableDirector. ([1329151](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1329151)) - Fixed memory leak in custom playable inspectors. (1332377) - Fixed exception when using the Key All Animated shortcut with no Timeline selected. (1334339) - Fixed issue where a warning would appear regarding obsolete `AnimationWindowState.SnapMode` values. ## [1.5.5] - 2021-04-30 ### Fixed - Fixed an issue in the Curves view where the color indicator was sized incorrectly on high-res displays. ([1318782](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1318782)) - Fixed a rare issue where keyframes were created for Playable Curves when switching to play mode. ([1319124](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1319124)) - Fixed an issue where clearing the Unity selection did not refresh the Timeline window. (1320260) - Fixed an issue with `IAnimationWindowPreview.StartPreview` not getting called for sub timelines. ([1322571](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1322571)) - Fixed an issue where the curve color identifiers would overlap property names when the Timeline window was resized. ([1323591](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1323591)) - Fixed a regression where changes made to clip curves would not be processed until another modification caused a graph rebuild. - Fixed compilation issue on 2020.1 due to incorrect version checks. - Fixed issue where text labels were incorrectly displayed when the mouse pointer was located above a clip. ## [1.5.4] - 2021-03-10 ### Fixed - Fixed issue where the horizontal scrollbar could not be moved or resized. ## [1.5.3] - 2021-03-05 ### Changed - Disabled edition of Track Asset Inspector Script field as it could break Timeline Assets. ### Fixed - Fixed issue where the timeline header track would automatically open during a drag and drop operation. ([1305436](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1305436)) - Fixed a rare issue where some broken tracks could not be removed. ([1305388](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1305388)) - Fixed rare issue where the time field could not be edited after opening a timeline. ([1312198](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1312198)) - Fixed cosmetic issue where the duration marker was drawn over the scroll bar. - Fixed issue where times without a decimal separator (. or , depending on locale) would not be interpreted correctly by the time field. (1315605) - Fixed issue where a selection rectangle could not be made when started inside a track. ([1315840](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1315840)) - Performing Undo/Redo will not affect Timeline window selection when the window is locked. (Selecting sub-timelines can still be undone). ([1313515](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1313515)) - Fixed an issue where text would be clipped in the track header binding. ([1302401](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1302401)) - Fixed issue where clicking in the Timeline window while there is no active timeline would throw an exception. ## [1.5.2] - 2021-01-08 ### Added - During recording, there are new ways to key animated properties: - A new Inspector context menu has been added (`Key All Animated`) that sets a key to all currently animated properties. - It is possible to make a multi-selection of tracks to set a keyframe to all currently animated properties. If no track is selected, all recording tracks are keyed. - If properties are selected in the curve editor, only those properties are keyed. - `TimelineEditor.GetWindow` and `TimelineEditor.GetOrCreateWindow` to get the current Timeline window or create a Timeline window. - `TimelineEditorWindow.SetCurrentTimeline` to change which timeline asset is opened in the Timeline window. - `TimelineEditorWindow.lock` to lock or unlock the Timeline window. - `TrackExtensions.GetCollapsed`, `TrackExtensions.SetCollapsed`, `TrackExtensions.IsVisibleRecursive` to get and change the visibility state of a track. - `AnimationTrackExtensions.IsRecording`, `AnimationTrackExtensions.SetRecording`, `AnimationTrackExtensions.SupportsRecording` to get or change the recording state of an Animation track. - Added two methods in `TrackEditor` to control how an object is bound to a track: `IsBindingAssignableFrom` and `GetBindingFrom`. - Added Japanese translation. - The Timeline window will automatically rebuild the graph when a notifications's properties are changed. - The Timeline window will be automatically refreshed when a marker's properties are changed. - Added `TimelineEditor.GetInspectedTimeFromMasterTime` and `TimelineEditor.GetMasterTimeFromInspectedTime` to convert time from master to inspected timeline and vice versa when using sub-timelines. - Added API to improve how to get/set a `TimelineClip`'s parent track: - `TimelineClip.GetParentTrack` (replaces obsolete property getter) - `ItemsUtils.SetParentTrack` (extension method thar replaces obsolete property setter) - Added a new `Seconds` time display mode and renamed previous Seconds mode to Timecode. - `TimelinePreferences.timeFormat` field, - `UnityEditor.Timeline.TimeFormat` enum. - Added API for the user to clip to the track area: - API: Relevant member to `MarkerOverlayRegion`, - API: `MarkerOverlayRegion.trackRegion`, - API: `MarkerOverlayRegion` constructor. - Added _Gameplay sequence_ sample. - This sample demonstrates how Timeline can be used to create a small in-game moment, using built-in tracks. - Added _Customization_ sample. - This sample demonstrates how to create custom tracks, clips, markers and actions. ### Changed - The binding field on a track header will change its background color when dragging a valid object on it. - Timeline marker track is now selectable. - `TimelineClip` property `parentTrack` is now obsolete. - `TimelinePreferences.timeUnitInFrames` is now obsolete. ### Fixed - Fixed a bug affecting the conversion between seconds and frames in the inspector. - Fixed issue where `KeyAllAnimated` was available when right-clicking on markers and tracks that were not in record mode. (1270304) - Fixed issue where the mouse cursor would stay stuck to a resize icon when resizing the track header. ([1076031](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1076031/)) - Fixed case where an animation event at time 0 would not fire on a timeline loop. ([1184106](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1184106)) - Fixed issue where Timeline objects (ie. `TrackAsset`, `ControlTrack`, `SignalAsset`, etc.) would have incorrect links to the documentation pages. *Available starting from Unity 2021.1*. ([1082941](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1082941)) - Fixed multiple issues related to blends - Fix display of blends when clips have ease-in/ease-out ([1178066](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1178066)) - Fix clip disappearing when dragging it from left to right completely inside another clip. - Fix select and drag clip discarding foreground display rule of selected clip after releasing the drag. - Fix fully blended clips selection not available. ([1289912](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1289912)) - Fixed issue where the clip display would flicker when moving two clips that are completely overlapped. ([1085679](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1085679)) - The Timeline window will no longer revert to editing only the asset if the user uses the Timeline selector to pick a game object and switches focus. ([1291455](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1291455)) - Create button on timeline panel no longer defaults to an invalid path. ([1289923](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1289923)) - Fixed issue where Timeline's bindings field would loses names and bindings when selecting clips. ([1293941](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1293941)) - Make Timeline's duration result displayed in the Inspector, when switching from duration mode: Based On Clips to Fixed Length, closer to the actual duration. ([1156920](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1156920)) - Copy/Paste of clips in the Timeline Window will no longer paste clips at an invalid time in mix-mode. ([1289925](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1289925)) ## [1.4.5] - 2020-11-19 ### Fixed - Fixed issue where changing a clip's extrapolation values would clear the current clip selection. ([936046](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/936046)) - Fixed multiple issues related to the curves view: - Fixed curve removal not functioning with `PlayableAsset`s (clips & tracks curves). ([1231002](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1231002)) - Fixed inconsistent icon display on curves. - Fixed incorrect ordering of properties. Properties now have a object/type/property ordering. - Fixed unnecessary grouping of fields. - Changed context menu from `Remove Properties` to `Remove Curves` to better reflect the change in functionality between curves for GameObjects and curves for `PlayableAssets`. - Fixed behaviour where removing a single field in a `Position`, `Rotation` or `Scale` group would remove the entire group. - Fixed case where pausing in Playmode and switching the active director in editor could pause the director. ([1263707](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1263707)) - Material properties are now displayed by their shader name in the curves view when possible. ([1115961](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1115961)) - Fixed issue where a signal could be pasted on a track that doesn't support notifications. ([1283763](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1283763)) - Fixed issue where a clip could be paseted on an incompatible track. ([1283763](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1283763)) - Fixed errors when leaving prefab mode when a timeline is opened. ([1280331](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1280331)) - No preview will be shown when the PlayableDirector is disabled. ([1286198](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1286198)) - Fixed issue where an infinite clip's `Foot Ik` property was not visible in the Inspector when selecting its track. ([1279824](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1279824)) - Fixed issue where child particle systems were not controlled correctly when they are not subemitters. ([1212943](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1212943)) - Fixed inconsistent recording behaviour on audio tracks and `PlayableAssets`. Default values are changed when a value is not recorded, and the key added/updated when a value is already animated. ([1283453](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1283453)) - Fixed issue where the curves view for tracks and `PlayableAsset`s would not update when changed externally (such as from the Animation window). - Fixed `Add Key`/`Remove Key` context menus not being properly enabled in some cases when using tracks and `PlayableAsset`s. - Fixed simulation of subemitters when scrubbing a timeline. ([1142781](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1142781)) - Fixed choppy playback of particles with a large fixed time step. ([1262234](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1262234)) ## [1.4.4] - 2020-10-09 ### Fixed - Disable drag and drop of Signal asset on Control Track. ([1222760](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1222760/)) - Fixed system locale causing issues when keying float values on custom clips. ([1190877](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1190877/)) - Fixed issue where recording to a clip would place keys on the frame. ([1274892](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1274892/)) - Fixed keyboard clip selection from locked tracks. ([1233612](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1233612/)) - Fixed issue where the Timeline window would stay locked even when no timeline asset is shown. ([1278598](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1278598/)) - Fixed issue where invoking `SelectLeft` or `SelectRight` shortcuts on a group track, the group would not collapse or expand. ([1279379](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1279379/)) - Fixed Blend Curve Editor from the clip's inspector that was not responding correctly to undo and redo commands. (978673) - Fixed issue where the `Frame All` action would not frame keys outside of clips when the curve display is collapsed. ([1273725](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1273725/), #295) - Scrolling the horizontal scrollbar of the timeline to the right edge will no longer prevent the user from dragging left again. ([1127199](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1127199/), #301) - Splitting a clip with an ease in or out value now ensures ease duration stays on correct side of split. ([1279350](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1279350/)) - Fixed delay when zooming in after reaching Timeline window's maximum and then zooming back. ([1214228](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1214228/)) - Prevent creation of presets with Group Tracks. ([1281056](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1281056)) - Fixed issue where markers placed on top of clips could not be selected. ([1284807](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1284807), #314) - Fixed issue where multiple markers placed on top of each other could not be selected. ([1284801](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1284801), #314) ## [1.4.3] - 2020-08-26 ### Fixed - Fixed incorrect selection when clicking on a clip's blend. (1178052) - Fixed issue where an exception was thrown when drawing an Audio clip's waveform when that clip wasn't in the AssetDatabase. ([1268868](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1268868/)) - When choosing `Add Signal Emitter from Signal Asset`, closing the Object Selector window will not add an empty Signal Emitter. ([1261553](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1261553/)) - Fixed issue where an error would appear when editing keys in the Animation window if the Timeline window is opened. (1269829) - Fixed issue where the `Frame All` operation would continually increase the zoom value when only empty tracks are added to the timeline ([1273540](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1273540/)). ## [1.4.2] - 2020-08-04 ### Fixed - Fixed double-click not opening the AnimationWindow on clips with animated parameters. ([1262950](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1262950/)) - Fixed issue where the Timeline window would rebuild its Playable Graph every time an AnimationClip would be added, changed or deserialized. (1265314, [1267055](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1267055/)) ## [1.4.1] - 2020-07-15 ### Fixed - Fixed `IndexOutOfRangeException` exception being thrown when editing inspector curves. ([1259902](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1259902/)) - Fixed `IndexOutOfRangeException` exception being thrown when the `New Signal` dialog replaces an existing signal. ([1241170](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1241170/)) - Fixed signal state being reset on paused timelines. ([1257208](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1257208/)) - Fixed nested custom types not updating animation values in the inspector. ([1239893](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1239893/)) - Fixed `AnimationTrack`s SceneOffset mode incorrectly overriding root transform on tracks without root transform in editor. ([1237704](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1237704/)) - The `DisplayName` attribute is now supported when used with `TrackAsset`s. ([1253397](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1253397/)) - Fixed `NullReference` exception being thrown when clicking on the `Scene Preview` checkbox if the Timeline window was closed. (1261543) ## [1.4.0] - 2020-06-26 ### Added - Added `ClipCaps.AutoScale` to automatically change the speed multiplier value when the clip is trimmed in the Timeline window. - Added a `DeleteClip` method in `TrackAsset`. - Added dependency on Animation, Audio, Director and Particle System modules. ([1229825](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1229825/)) - Added an option in `TimelineAsset.EditorSettings` to disable scene preview. - Added base classes to define custom actions: - `TimelineAction` - `TrackAction` - `ClipAction` - `MarkerAction` - Added the following attributes that can be used with action classes: - `ApplyDefaultUndo` to automatically manage undo operations. - `ActiveInMode` to control in which Timeline mode the action is valid. - `MenuEntry` to add the action to the context menu. - `TimelineShortcut` can be added to a static method to invoke the action with a shortcut. - `Invoker` to invoke actions using Timeline's selection or context. - `MenuOrder` contains menu priority values, to be used with `MenuEntry`. - `TimelineModes` to specify in which mode an action is valid, to be used with `MenuEntry`. - `ActionContext` to provide a context to invoke `TimelineAction`s. - `ActionValidity` to specify is an action is valid for a given context. - `UndoExtension` to manage undo operations with common Timeline types. ### Changed - Improved performance with ControlTracks in preview mode for cases where multiple Control Tracks are assigned to the same PlayableDirector. - Improved layout and appearance of track header buttons. - Reduced icons' file size without any quality loss. - A track's binding will be duplicated when pasting or duplicating a track. - When creating a new timeline asset, the "Timeline" suffix will not be added to the file name twice. - `ClipCaps.All` now includes the new `Autoscale` feature. To get the previous `ClipCaps.All` behaviour on clips, use ``` ClipCaps.Looping | ClipCaps.Extrapolation | ClipCaps.ClipIn | ClipCaps.SpeedMultiplier | ClipCaps.Blending ``` - Inline curve selection is now synced with the clip's selection. - Selecting a curve view property will also select the corresponding curve view. - Clicking and holding the `Command` or `Control` key on a curve view will deselect it if it was already selected. - Improved Timeline window UI performance. ### Fixed - Selecting clips from locked tracks is not allowed anymore when using the playhead's context menu. - Inserting gaps in locked tracks is not allowed anymore. - When adding an Activation track, the viewport is adjusted to show the new Activation clip. - Fixed issue where trimming AnimationClips would also change the speed multiplier. ## [1.3.4] - 2020-06-09 ### Fixed - Fix a Control Track bug that caused the first frame of an animation to evaluated incorrectly when scrubbing forwards and backwards. (1253485) - Fixed memory leak where the most recently played timeline would not get unloaded. ([1214752](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1214752/) and 1253974) ## [1.3.3] - 2020-05-29 ### Fixed - Fixed regression where animation tracks were writing root motion when the animation clip did not contain root transform values ([1249355](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1249355/)) ## [1.3.2] - 2020-04-02 ### Fixed - Fixed issue where the clip Inspector's curve preview would close when clicking on the curve. ([1228127](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1228127/)) - Fixed issue where the curves view was not synced between Animation and Timeline windows. ([1213937](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/animation-window-curves-are-not-updated-immediately-when-changing-them-in-timeline-window)) - Fixed issue where play range didn't loop when range ends on the final frame. ([1215926](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/timeline-play-range-doesnt-loop-when-play-range-ends-on-the-final-frame)) - Fixed issue where displaying an array in the curves view generated errors. ([1178251](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1178251/)) ## [1.3.1] - 2020-03-13 ### Fixed - Fixed issue where the curves view would flicker when editing multiple keys. ([1217326](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1217326/)) - Fixed issue where adding a keyframe in the curves view at the end of a clip would not place the keyframe at the correct position. ([1221337](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1221337/)) ## [1.3.0] - 2020-02-26 ### Added - Inline Curve Properties can be removed. - Tracks can be individually resized. ### Changed - Creating a new Timeline will no longer automatically add an Animation Track and an Animator to the target GameObject. - Ease-in and ease-out values for clips are no longer restricted to 50% of the clip's duration. - The resize handle for inline curves has been moved to the track header area. - Reduced the minimum width of the track header area. - Trimming the left edge of a clip while pressing the Shift key will change the Speed Multiplier value. ### Fixed - Fixed humanoid characters going to default pose during initial root motion recording. (1174752) - Fixed Override Tracks not masking RootTransform when an AvatarMask without the Root Node is applied. ([1190600](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1190600/)) - Fixed preview of Avatar Masks on base level Animation Tracks. ([1190600](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1190600/)) ## [1.2.13] - 2020-02-24 ### Fixed - Fixed Performance issue where Control Tracks would resimulate during the tail of a non-looping particle clip. ([1216702](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1216702/)) - Fixed adjacent recording clips highlighting the wrong clip. ([1210312](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1210312/)) - Fixed timescale drawing to only draw visible lines which avoids a hang with very large clips. ([1213189](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1213189/)) - Fixed `SignalReceiver.ChangeSignalAtIndex` incorrectly throwing exception when multiple entries are set to null. ([1210877](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1210877/)) - Fixed a memory leak with Animation Clips in Edit mode. - Fixed issue where changes to a Signal Receiver component in a prefab were reverted. ([1210883](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1210883/)) - Fixed avatar mask reassignment not causing immediate re-evaluation. ([1219326](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1219326/)) - Fixed issues related to recursive control tracks. (1178423) - Fixed issue where using the `HideInMenu` attribute in combination with a class inheriting from `Marker` would not hide the marker from the Timeline context menus. ([1221054](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1221054/)) ## [1.2.12] - 2020-02-21 ### Fixed - Fixed issue where the curves view would change its framing when moving a clip. ([1217353](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1217353/)) ## [1.2.11] - 2020-01-22 ### Fixed - Fixed Control Track inspector dropdown not opening. ([1208943](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1208943/)) - Fixed issue where applying the Match content command on subtimeline clip with a newly created subtimeline with no duration makes the clip disappear. ([1203662](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1203662/)) - Fixed issue where the opened timeline is changed to another timeline when switching focus from Unity to a different application. ([1087348](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1087348/)) - Fixed issue where the keys in the inline curves view were incorrectly positioned ([1205835](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1205835/)) ### Changed - ControlPlayableAsset.searchHierarchy (a.k.a. Control Children) now defaults to false. ## [1.2.10] - 2019-12-08 ### Fixed - Fixed issue where object selectors on tracks did not show bound objects. (1202853) - Fixing inspector blend graph display for animation clips. (1201474) - Fixed Timeline Window lock state when restarting Unity and no timeline are selected. ([1201405](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1201405/)) ## [1.2.9] - 2019-12-06 ### Fixed - Added missing high-resolution icons for Personal Skin. ## [1.2.8] - 2019-11-21 ### Fixed - Fixed issue where recording couldn't be turned on for override tracks. (1199389) - Fixed overlay bug when panning. (1198348) - Fixed Foot IK being applied in Editor when option is disabled. ([1197426](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1197426/)) - Fixed issue where the Animation Track's inline curves were not properly aligned when panning the timeline. (1198364) ## [1.2.7] - 2019-11-15 ### Fixed - Fixed inline curves to display PlayableBehaviour array properties. (1178251) - Fixed clip selection from playhead. (1187495) - Fixed recorded clips dirtying the scene on copy/paste. (1181492) ## [1.2.6] - 2019-10-25 ### Added - Added Timeline manual. ## [1.2.5] - 2019-10-16 ### Changed - Added tooltips that were missing for Timeline selector and settings buttons. ([1152790](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1152790/)) - Removed Undo menu entry that was added when clicking on the Inline curves button. ([1187402](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1187402/)) ### Fixed - Fixed issue where recording couldn't be turned off when an object is deactivated. (1187174) - Timelines listed in the Timeline selector will now be sorted alphabetically. (1190514) - Fixed Insert Frames options from Trackhead context menu not applying to markers. (1187895) - Fixed incorrect display when a large number of nested group tracks was added to a Timeline. (1157367) ## [1.2.4] - 2019-10-03 ### Changed - Properties in the Inline Curve editor will now be listed in the same order as the Animation window. (1184058) - Updated the appearance of the Timeline window to conform to the [editor's UX redesign](https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/08/29/evolving-the-unity-editor-ux/) - Improved the appearance of clip blends. ### Fixed - Adding a PlayableDirector with no Playable Asset will no longer trigger a repaint of the Timeline Window on each frame. ([1172707](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1172707/)) - Fixed issue where a clip's blend selection border was not drawn correctly when there was a previous clip. (1178173) - Fixed issue where Animation Events were fired twice when the Playable Director Wrap mode is set to Loop. ([1173281](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1173281/)) - Fixed issue where double-clicking on a Timeline Asset would not open it in the Timeline window. ([1182159](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1182159)) - Fixed issue where the paste shortcut would not work when copying and pasting between two different timelines. (1184967) - Fixed audio stutter when going into playmode. ([1167289](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1167289/)) - Fixed PreviousFrame and NextFrame controls in subtimelines with large offsets. (1175320) - Fixed issue where exceptions were thrown when resetting a Signal Receiver component. ([1158227](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1158227/)) - Increased font size of clip labels (1179642) ## [1.2.3] - 2019-10-03 ### Fixed - Removed unnecessary directories from the package. ## [1.2.2] - 2019-08-20 ### Fixed - Fixed issue where fields for custom clips were not responding to Add Key commands. (1174416) - Fixed issue where a different track's bound GameObject is highlighted when clicking a track's bound GameObject box. (1141836) - Fixed issue where a clip locks to the playhead's position when moving it. (1157280) ## [1.2.1] - 2019-08-01 ### Fixed - Fixed appearance of a selected clip's border. - Fixed non-transform properties from AnimationClips not being correctly put into preview mode when the avatar root does not contain the animator component. ([1162334](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1162334/)) - Fixed an issue where the context menu for inline curves keys would not open on MacOS. ([1158584](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1158584/)) - Fixed recording state being incorrect after toggling preview mode (1146551) - Fixed copying clips without ExposedReferences causing the scene to dirty (1144469) ## [1.2.0] - 2019-07-16 *Compatible with Unity 2019.3* ### Added - Added ILayerable interface. Implementing this interface on a custom track will enable support for multiple layers, similar to the AnimationTracks override tracks. - Added "Pan" autoscrolling option in the Timeline window. - Enabled rectangle tool for inline curves. ### Changed - Scrolling horizontally with the mouse wheel or trackpad now pans the timeline view horizontally, instead of zooming. - Scrolling vertically with the mouse wheel or trackpad on the track headers or on the vertical scroll bar now pans the timeline view vertically, instead of zooming. ### Fixed - Fixed an issue causing info text to overlap when displaying multiple lines (1150863). - Fixed duration mode not reverting from "Fixed Length" to "Based On Clips" properly. (1154034) - Fixed playrange markers being drawn over horizontal scrollbar (1156023) - Fixed an issue where a hotkey does not autofit all when Marker is present (1158704) - Fixed an issue where an exception was thrown when overwriting a Signal Asset through the Signal Emitter inspector. (1152202) - Fixed Control Tracks not updating instances when source prefab change. (case 1158592) - An exception will be thrown when calling TrackAsset.CreateMarker() with a marker that implements INotification if the track does not support notifications. (1150248) - Fixed preview mode being reenabled when warnings change on tracks. (case 1151381) - Fixed minimum clip duration to be frame aligned. (case 1156602) - Fixed playhead being moved when applying undo while recording.(case 1154802) - Fixed warnings about localEulerAnglesRaw when using RectTransform. (case 1151100) - Fixed precision error on the duration of infinite tracks. (case 1156723) - Fixed issue where two GatherProperties call were made when switching between two PlayableDirectors. (1159036) - Fixed issue where inspectors for clips, tracks and markers would get incorrectly displayed when no Timeline Window is opened. (1158242, 1158283) - Fixed issue with clip connectors that were incorrectly drawn when the timeline was panned or zoomed. (1141960) - Fixed issue where evaluating a Playable Graph inside a Notification Receiver would cause an infinite recursion. ([1149930](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1149930/)) - Fixed Trim and Move operations to ensure playable duration is updated upon completion. ([1151894](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1151894/)) - Fixed options menu icon that was blurry on high-dpi screens. (1154623) - Track binding field is now larger. (1153446) - Fixed issue where an empty Timeline window would create new objects on each repaint. (1142894) - Fixed an issue causing info text to overlap when displaying multiple lines (when trimming + time scaling, for example). (1150863) - Fixed duration mode not reverting from "Fixed Length" to "Based On Clips" properly. ([1154034](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1154034/)) - Prevented the PlayableGraph from being created twice when playing a timeline in play mode with the Timeline window opened. (1147247) - Fixed issue where an exception was thrown when clicking on a SignalEmitter with the Timeline window in asset mode. (1146261) - A timeline will now be played correctly when building a player with Mono and Managed Stripping Level set higher than Low. ([1133182](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1133182/)) - The Signal Asset creation dialog will no longer throw exceptions when canceled on macOS. ([1141959](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1141959/)) - Fixed issue where the Emit Signal property on a Signal Emitter would not get saved correctly. ([1148709](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1148709/)) - Fixed issue where a Signal Emitter placed at the start of a timeline would be fired twice. ([1149653](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1149653/)) - Fixed record button state not updating when offset modes are changed. ([1142747](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1142747/)) - Cleared invalid assets from the Timeline Clipboard when going into or out of PlayMode. (1144473) - Copying a Control Clip during play mode no longer throws exceptions. (1141581) - Going to Play Mode while inspecting a Track Asset will no longer throw exceptions. (1141958) - Resizing Timeline's window no longer affects the zoom value. ([1147150](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1147150/)) - Snap relaxing now responds to Command on Mac, instead of Control. (1149144) - Clips will no longer randomly disappear when showing or hiding inline curves. (1141661) - The global/local time referential button will no longer be shown for a top-level timeline. (1080872) - Playhead will not be drawn above the bottom scrollbar anymore. (1134016) - Fixed moving a marker on an Infinite Track will keep the track in infinite mode (1141190) - Fixed zooming in/out will keep the padding at the beginning of the timeline (1030689) - Fixed marker UI is the same color and size on infinite track (1139370) - Fixed Disable the possibility to add Markers to tracks of a Timeline that is ReadOnly (1134463) - Fixed wrong context menu being shown when right-clicking a marker (1133592) - Fixed creation of override track to work with multiselection (1133592) ## [1.1.0] - 2019-02-14 *Compatible with Unity 2019.2* ### Added - ClipEditor, TrackEditor and MarkerEditor classes users can derive from to control visual appearance of custom timeline clips, tracks and markers using the CustomTimelineEditor attribute. - ClipEditor.GetSubTimelines to allow user created clips that support sub-timelines in editor - TimelineEditor.selectedClip and TimelineEditor.selectedClips to set and retrieve the currently selected timeline clips - IPropertyCollector.AddFromName override that takes a component. - Warning icons to SignalEmitters when they do not reference an asset - Ability to mute/unmute a Group Track. - Mute/Unmute only selected track command added for tracks with multiple layers. - Animate-able Properties on Tracks and Clips can now be edited through inline curves. - Added loop override on AnimationTrack clips (1140766) - ReadOnly/Source Control Lock support for Timeline Scene ### Changed - Control Track display to show a particle system icon when particle systems are being controlled - Animate-able Properties for clips are no longer edited using by "recording"; they are edited through the inline curves just like tracks. - AudioTrack properties can now be animated through inline curves. - Changed Marker show/hide to be undoable. Hide will also unselect markers. (1124661) - Changed SignalReceivers show their enabled state in the inspector. (1131163) - Changed Track Context Menu to show "Add Signal Emitter" at the top of the list of Marker commands. (1131166) - Moved "Add Signal Emitter" and "Add Signal Emitter From Asset" commands out of their sub-menu. (1131166) ### Fixed - Fixed markers being drawn outside their pane. (1124381) - Fixed non-public tracks not being recognized by the Timeline Editor. (1122803) - Fixed keyboard shortcuts for _Frame All_ (default: A) and _Frame Selected_ (default: F) to also apply horizontally ([1126623](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1126623/)) - Fixed recording getting disabled when selecting a different GameObject while the Timeline Window is not locked. (1123119) - Fixed time sync between Animation and Timeline windows when clips have non-default timescale or clip-in values. ([930909](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/930909/)) - Fixed animation window link not releasing when deleting the timeline asset. (1127425) - Fixed an exception being raised when selecting both a Track marker and a Timeline marker at the same time. ([1113006](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1113006/)) - Fixed the header marker area will so it no longer opens its context menu if it's hidden. (1124351) - Fixed Signal emitters to show the Signals list when created on override tracks. (1102913) - Fixed a crash on IL2CPP platforms when the VideoPlayer component is not used. (1129572) - Fixed Timeline Duration changes in editor not being undoable. (1109279) - Fixed _Match Offsets_ commands causing improper animation defaults to be applied. (911678) - Fixed Timeline Inspectors leaving _EditorGUI.showMixedValue_ in the wrong state. ([1123895](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1123895/)) - Fixed issue where performing undo after moving items on multiple tracks would not undo some items. (1131071) - Fixed cog icon in the Signal Receiver inspector being blurry. (1130320) - Fixed Timeline marker track hamburger icon not being centered vertically. (1131112) - Fixed detection of signal receivers when track is in a group. (1131811) - Fixed exception being thrown when deleting Signal entries. (1131065) - Fixed Markers blocking against Clips when moving both Clips and Markers in Ripple mode. (1102594) - Fixed NullReferenceException being thrown when muting an empty marker track. (1131106) - Fixed SignalEmitter Inspector losing the Receiver UI when it is locked and another object is selected. (1116041) - Fixed Marker and Clip appearing to be allowed to move to another track in Ripple mode. (1131123) - Fixed issue where the Signal Emitter inspector did not show the Signal Receiver UI when placed on the timeline marker track. (1131811) - Fixed Replace mode not drawing clips when moved together with a Marker. (1132605) - Fixed inline curves to retain their state when performing undo/redo or keying from the inspector. ([1125443](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1125443)) - Fixed an issue preventing Timeline from entering preview mode when an Audio Track is present an a full assembly reload is performed. (1132243) - Fixed an issue where the Marker context menu would show a superfluous line at the bottom. (1132662) - Fixed an issue preventing Timeline asset to be removed from a locked Timeline Window when a new scene is loaded. (1135073) - Fixed EaseIn/Out shortcut for clips ## [1.0.0] - 2019-01-28 *Compatible with Unity 2019.1* ### Added - This is the first release of Timeline, as a Package - Added API calls to access all AnimationClips used by Timeline. - Added support in the runtime API to Animate Properties used by template-style PlayableBehaviours used as Mixers. - Added Markers. Markers are abstract types that represent a single point in time. - Added Signal Emitters and Signal Assets. Signal Emitters are markers that send a notification, indicated by a SignalAsset, to a GameObject indicating an event has occurred during playback of the Timeline. - Added Signal Receiver Components. Signal Receivers are MonoBehaviour that listen for Signals from Timeline and respond by invoking UnityEvents. - Added Signal Tracks. Signal Tracks are Timeline Tracks that are used only for Signal Emitters. ### Fixed - Signal Receiver will no longer throw exceptions when its inspector is locked ([1114526](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1114526/)) - Context menu operations will now be applied on all selected tracks (1089820) - Clip edit mode clutch keys will not get stuck when holding multiple keys at the same time (1097216) - Marker inspector will be disabled when the marker is collapsed (1102860) - Clip inspector will no longer throw exceptions when changing values when the inspector is locked (1115984) - Fixed appearance of muted tracks (1018643) - Fixed multiple issues where clips and markers were selectable when located under the time ruler and the marker header track ([1117925](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1117925/), 1102598) - A marker aligned with the edge of a clip is now easier to select (1102591) - Changed behaviour of the Timeline Window to apply modifications immediately during Playmode ([922846](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/922846/), 1111908) - PlayableDirector.played event is now called after entering or exiting Playmode ([1088918](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/1088918/)) - Undoing a paste track operation in a group will no longer corrupt the timeline (1116052) - The correct context menu will now be displayed on the marker header track (1120857) - Fixed an issue where a circular reference warning appeared in the Control Clip inspector even if there was no circular reference (1116520) - Fixed preview mode when animation clips with root curves are used (case 1116297, case 1116007) - Added option to disable foot IK on animation playable assets (case 1115652) - Fixed unevaluated animation tracks causing default pose (case 1109118) - Fixed drawing of Group Tracks when header is off-screen (case 876340) - Fixed drag and drop of objects inside a group being inserted outside (case 1011381, case 1014774)